Alloy Analyzer
Positive Material Identification Innov-X DS2000

In 2010 Jero upgraded our PMI equipment to the Olympus InnovX DS 2000 which give us a broader range of alloy verifications.
Configured with a standard package of more than 25 elements, and identifies over 500 different alloys and grades. The DELTA generates alloy chemistry and grade ID in seconds. From simple sorting to challenging grade separations, the DELTA provides highly specific material chemistry to rapidly and accurately identify pure metals and alloy grades including, but not limited to:
- Aluminum alloys
- Chrome-moly steels
- Cobalt alloys
- Copper alloys
- Exotic alloys
- Magnesium alloys
- Nickel alloys
- Nickel-cobalt alloys
- Precious metals
- Stainless steels
- Tool steels
- Titanium alloys
- Wrought aluminum alloys
- Zinc alloys
- Zirconium alloys
Jero Quality Control performs Positive Material Identification on 100% of all in-coming materials in accordance with a written QC procedure as required by ASTM E1916. All reports are computer generated using the Olympus PC Software.
Delta Niton Analyzer

Rockwell Hardness Tester – Phase II

Please contact our sales department if you have questions or need additional information. Ph: 1-800-865-5376 Email: